Tuesday, May 20, 2008


What makes you happy?

A sunny day? A beautiful beach? Being among good friends?

For each person there is something different that brings joy into their life. For many people, it's the little things that bring them the most enjoyment.

While walking along Broadway through the popular shopping area known as SoHo, I found someone with one of those "little things in life" happinesses.

What might that happiness be, you might ask? Bubbles.

Soho (1), NYC

Bubble Guns

Soho (2), NYC
Black and White Bubbles

Soho (3), NYC
Black and White Close-Up

Soho (4), NYC
Group Effort

Sunday, May 18, 2008


When walking around New York City, one sees a lot of artwork. From graphic designed commercial advertisements to fresco paintings along the sides of buildings. Art is everywhere!

A question that often arises in the "Art World" is this:
Is graffiti art or vandalism?

I think that it can be both, depending on the intent of the graffiti artist.

One definition of art from the Merriam Webster Dictionary reads: The conscious use of skill and creative imagination especially in the production of aesthetic objects.
If the artist sets out to execute a creative work of art, then I think that it is art. If their plan is to simply write their name, without striving for an aesthetic creation, then it is not art. The underlying aspect in this definition, for me, is the intent that one has.

But, in the end, there is no concrete black and white classification for this creative medium because it can be many different things for many different people. A look back at the Dada art movement is a clear example of this, with Marcel Duchamp's "Fountain" being the quintessential piece of "art".

Here are some photographs of local graffiti works,
what do you consider them to be?

Third Avenue, New York City


Lower East Side (1), NYC

Stickers and Texts

Lower East Side (2), NYC

Caged Creations

Astor Place, NYC

Musical Contours